
I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1959. In 1962 my family moved to Tucson, Arizona where I was raised along with two younger brothers and continued to live through 2004. I earned my undergraduate degree in Anthropology with a minor in Art from the University of Arizona in 1983. In 1987 I began… Continue reading Bio


SOLO & TWO-PERSON EXHIBITIONS 2003 Metroform Limited – Tucson, Arizona 1999 Cochise College – Sierra Vista, Arizona 1996 Dinnerware Contemporary Art Gallery – Tucson, Arizona 1991 Pima Community College – Tucson, Arizona 1989 Phantom Gallery – Tucson, Arizona 1989 Rivas Bahti Gallery – Tucson, Arizona 1987 Tohono Chul Gallery – Tucson, Arizona 1987 Rivas Bahti… Continue reading Resume

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Kieth,
    Gtreat website. Very informative. I wanted to know if I could ask you a question about piezodn printing? I just bought a epson 3880 and dn ink and having trouble installing the curve. This is what I did. I posted on the piozography forum. But have no response.

    Printed out target
    Measured target with ColorMuki.
    Exported Comma Separated.
    Opens .CVS file in Google Sheets and copied the LAB info.
    Pasted the LAB info to 51 steps PIEZOGRAPHY ERROR CORRECTOR.
    Opened the 51 STEP CGATS and downloaded as Tab Separate Values.
    Changed the file to a .txt file moved it to the same folder ad the. quad that was originally used for the target QuadToneRIP/Profiles/4880-K7.
    Dropped the .txt and. quad files to the QTR-Linearize-Quad.
    Deleted the two text files.
    Changed the name of the quad to “something memorable”.
    Then went to install new curve; QuadToneRIP/Profiles/4880-K7/Install4880-K7.command.
    Opened the Print tool, (printer Quad4880-K7) Run Print, scrooled down to curve 1, the new curve is not there.
    I restared the software and computer.

    Thank your much.

    1. Hi Steven,
      I did respond on the PiezoDN forum, and so did Walker.
      There are several things in your description that could be the source of your trouble.
      1. I suggested the simplest which is that the file name may be too long. From experience I found that 42 characters is too long, but 39 is good. I did not do further testing so I can’t say whether 40 or 41 will work.
      2. Walker suggested a possible error in how you used QTR-Linearize-Quad to create the -lin file.
      3. I also asked if you are using this to make negatives or prints. You posted in the PiezoDN forum, but your procedure seems to be for Piezography or PiezoPro prints rather than for negatives, based on the target and tool that you are using. I don’t even see the tool you are using.
      4. There are 2 installations that may be relevant for you: Quad4880-K7 which you have noted and which is for printing positive images on paper, and Quad4880-PiezoDN which is for printing digital negatives on transparency film. If you do both you need to install both.
      5. You should not be using the comma-separated-values text format. Use only tab-delimited-text.
      6. You mention that you are using “dn” ink, but there is no specific inkset with that name, unless you are using an old version that uses shades 2.5 and 4.5 and really was for negatives only. Any of the K7 inksets as well as the new PiezoPro inkset can be used with PiezoDN.

      I really need to know exactly what inkset you are using and whether you are making negatives or prints in order to be of much help. If negatives, you should be using the 129-step target and the CGATS Smoother tool. If you are making prints with PiezoPro inks, then you posted your question in the wrong forum, which may be why you didn’t get a more useful response. I can’t help with that since I’m not using it and don’t have the Pro edition, but I’m going to guess that it may be a different installation than the K7 since it is a very different inkset.

      Hope this is of some help,

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